You first condemn/attack yourself. And with speed eclipsing that of light, deny the attack, project the attack and, feigning surprise, innocently perceive attack everywhere you look. “Forgive the world your guilt and you will be free of it.” -

That Which Lies Beyond Appearances

There is an unremembered instant, wherein a secret vow was made: Pursue not that which lies beyond appearances. Macroscopic  phenomenon: that seen by the naked eye; Scaled down to its highest level of magnification, span distances the size of the

Nature's Bridge

Today I was surprised by a majestic bridge That nature built overnight when her buds burst into bloom! 🌝

Reality Is

Dreams are illusions of what is; Perceptions are distortions of what is; Both reflect belief of what is; Reality IS what is!

The Foundation

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. - A Course in Miracles Since belief systems provide a framework within which we interpret our experiences, a common framework or perspective is necessary for a

Your Self or an Illusion of yourself:

Freedom or Slavery Space and Time are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we exist. - Einstein This commentary presupposes you have completed topics 1 through 9 The purpose of this commentary is to explore a

From Effect to Cause

We are the dreamer of the world of dream. No other cause it has, nor ever will. - A Course in Miracles Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg said "the more the universe seems comprehensible the more it also seems pointless." The

History is an effect and not a cause

Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed. - Friedrich Nietzsche In my own search for meaning, begun many years ago, there was a realization that I would have to get

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