Miracles are seen in light. The body’s eyes do not perceive the light. But I am not a body,What am I?
―A Course in Miracles
It is impossible not to believe what you see, but it is equally impossible to see what you do not believe.
―A Course in Miracles
When you have been caught in the world of perception you are caught in a dream.
―A Course in Miracles
The world of time is the world of illusion.
―A Course in Miracles
Laws are set up to protect the continuity of the system in which the lawmaker believes.
―A Course in Miracles
Who is the you who are living in this world?
―A Course in Miracles
You may believe you are afraid of nothingness, but what you are really afraid of is nothing.
―A Course in Miracles
The beliefs you made will not be taken from you, but they can be given up by you.
―A Course in Miracles
How can a fact be fearful unless it disagrees with what you hold more dear than truth.
―A Course in Miracles
Rest-in-peace is a blessing for the living, not the dead, because rest comes from waking, not from sleeping.
―A Course in Miracles
The world is not left by death, but by truth.
―A Course in Miracles
You think that death is of the body. Yet it is but an idea, irrelevant to what is seen a physical.
―A Course in Miracles
Life is of the Mind and in the Mind. The body neither lives nor dies.
―A Course in Miracles
Past, present and future are not continuous, unless you force continuity on them.
―A Course in Miracles
This world was made that problems could not be escaped.
―A Course in Miracles
A madman thinks the world he sees is real, and does not doubt it. Nor can he be swayed by questioning his thoughts effect. It is but when their source is raised to question that hope of freedom comes to him at last.
―A Course in Miracles
The knowledge that illuminates not only sets you free, but also shows you that you are free.
―A Course in Miracles
You are not free to give up freedom, but only to deny it.
―A Course in Miracles
He who would not forgive must judge, for he must justify his failure to forgive. But he who would forgive himself must learn to welcome truth exactly as it is.
―A Course in Miracles
The first topics of this web site examine our "Current Perspective" and should be read before going on to the remaining topics. "The Foundation" is my interpretation of A Course In Miracles' answer to four central questions listed below, followed by quotes from the Course.
- What is the world?
- How did the world come about?
- What is the purpose of the world?
- Who am I and what is the structure of the dissociated mind experiencing the world?
The "Model of Mind" is a quick visual representation of a way to think about our minds and the ideas discussed across this website.
This is followed by a series of essays further elaborating on these ideas. I hope you find this site helpful on your journey and welcome your comments & questions in the contact me page.
In peace & love,
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This is the truth and nothing else is true. This is a very simple course. ²Perhaps you do not feel you need a course which, in the end, teaches that only reality is true. ³But do you believe it? (ACIM,
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When you have been caught in the world of perception you are caught in a dream. - A Course in Miracles The perceptual mind is a split mind with two interpreters: the ego or Spirit. The ego is afraid of
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